Special Educational Needs

At Martin Frobisher infant School we aim to develop all children to their full potential in a caring, supportive environment. All children have individual needs, many of which can be met within the normal classroom environment through a differentiated curriculum. However some children need additional support and at our school we aim to identify these children as soon as possible and provide them with the additional support they need. This may be support with academic progress, social or emotional development or overcoming physical difficulties.

The SENDCo  in school is Mrs Carter, who ensures that all children receive the additional support they require to thrive at our school. She can be contacted at the school to answer any questions you may have. Please email headteacher@martinfrobisher.wakefield.sch.uk or call the school office on 01924 897814

Further information and answers to questions parents frequently ask us about our school's contribution to the local offer for SEND can be found below:

Martin Frobisher Infant School SEND Information Report

A copy of the Wakefield Council Local Offer can be accessed at the link below:

Wakefield Local Offer


Accessibility Plan