Our ethos, aims and philosophy
The Governing Body of the school supports the Headteacher and staff in their aims to provide a broad, balanced, activity based education which will develop each child to his or her full potential, giving equal opportunities to all. Our curriculum is designed to nurture enquiring minds which will enable all children to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values which are so crucial at this stage of their education. Each child is recognised as an individual and the curriculum that is offered is tailored to their interests, needs, experience, ability and stage of development.
Our main aim as a school community is to provide high quality teaching and learning experiences in all aspects of life, both inside and outside school, enabling our children to be happy and successful. We hope that they will find enjoyment from meaningful, memorable and exciting learning opportunities. We want them to develop sound attitudes and strong values which will help them to grow into young people who are fulfilled and able to make positive contributions to society.
The school and adults within pay great attention to the needs of each individual child. We provide a safe, secure, quality learning environment where children gain pleasure and satisfaction from their education and through which they will learn the value of perseverance and dedication. Excellent behaviour is encouraged and expected from children at all times promoting self-discipline and responsibility both for themselves and others.
Great emphasis is placed upon positive relationships, between pupils and also between pupils, staff and parents. Close links with home, school and the community are fostered at all times. Good manners and respect are considered to be of the utmost importance. In our school we hope that children and staff always consider the needs of others alongside their own.
The school gives children the opportunity to develop initiative and independence and encourages them to join or become involved in activities outside school. Children are invited to share these experiences and successes with the rest of the school both in the classroom and also during the weekly celebration assembly.
It is hoped that our children will become caring young people with a strong sense of responsibility, having a marked knowledge of right and wrong and that they are able to recognise not only their own rights but also the rights of others. We hope they will feel compassion and understanding for all members of society irrespective of gender, creed, race or ability.