Personal, Social and Health Education

Subject Leader: Mrs Carter


Our PSHE Intent

At Martin Frobisher Infant School, we use the National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum as a basis for our planning within the subject, although we see this as only one element in the education of our children. Whenever possible, we teach through a themed, experienced based approach to enable children to embed learning and make connections, leading to a greater depth of understanding within the subject. Our teaching and learning opportunities allow all children to consolidate, build upon and apply basic skills and knowledge. Our PSHE curriculum enables children to develop skills which support them in becoming happy, healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Within the teaching of PSHE we also cover the social, moral and cultural aspects of living in modern Britain and the wider world today which equips children with strategies to overcome difficulties they may encounter as they grow up.


Relationships, Sex and Health Education

RSHE became statutory for all schools to teach from September 2020. Although there has been some disruption due to restrictions of COVID-19 at Martin Frobisher Infant school we have consulted on our teaching and learning within this element of the curriculum with staff, parents and governors. As an infant school we have made the decision to remove the Sex Education element from our curriculum and include the Relationships and Health Education aspects within our PSHE curriculum. We use the planning overview from the PSHE Association alongside the statutory guidance for RSHE to ensure we cover all the statutory aspects of RSHE within our PSHE curriculum.

The full RSHE guidance can be found here


The DFE have also produced a useful guide for parents which may help answer any questions you may have. If you have any further questions please speak to your child's class teacher or contact the school office to speak to Mrs L Carter.