Our Learning Themes 


 At Martin Frobisher Infant School we plan a themed approach to the curriculum for our children in both Foundation Stage and Key Stage One.

Our young children can therefore become fully absorbed in their learning and can develop skills, knowledge and vocabulary at a deeper level over a longer period of time. Our provision based approach to teaching and learning means that our children can independently apply and consolidate their understanding across the curriculum along side high quality texts and stories.

To ensure key skills, knowledge and vocabulary are embedded in each subject, we plan repetition of aspects throughout the year and over a two year cycle so our children have lots of opportunities to deepen their understanding and refer to their bank of memories to further their learning. 

The content is chosen based on the needs or interests of specific cohorts of children or current events in the community or wider world. We use the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage Profile to plan the content of our themes and our skills and knowledge progression documents are used to ensure learning is embedded at a deeper level.

In the Foundation Stage, we plan our curriculum around the needs, interests and next steps of our children. Within Key Stage One we map coverage of skills across the year to ensure that children revisit concepts and delve deeper into learning. This is planned over a two year cycle to allow our children to build upon skills and revisit knowledge through KS1.


Key stage one long term plan cycle one

Key stage one long term plan cycle two

Lower Foundation Stage long term plan cycle two

Lower Foundation Stage long term plan cycle two