Welcome to the Dolphins Class
The teacher in Dolphins class is Miss Foster. She is supported by Mrs Bradley, Mrs Hogg, Miss Holland and Miss Keenoy
The children in Dolphins class follow the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum for all subjects and the Wakefield Agreed Syllabus for RE.
Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Remember you can come dressed in your PE uniform all day.
Our book changing day is Friday. Don't forget your school reading books.
Our library day is Friday.
What are we learning at the moment?
Here is the curriculum overview for Autumn 2. This will let you know what we will be covering during this half term...
What can we do to support our learning at home?
This is our home learning for our learning log. You can complete these tasks in any way you like, using art work, photographs, writing etc. Any tasks you complete, can be stuck into your learning log. If you have any questions, just ask Mrs Wilson!
Weekly learning
This is our weekly learning tasks for phonics, reading and maths. This is sent our via Evidence Me on a weekly basis so that parents can support children's learning each week.
Autumn 2 - Week 2
What does our classroom look like?
Here are some photographs of some of our amazing classroom! We enjoy using our provision areas to consolidate what we have learnt and apply our skills independently in different situations.