Welcome to the Penguin Class  

Years 1 and 2

Meet the staff

The teacher in Penguin class is Mrs Wilson. The supporting adults in class are Mrs McNulty and Miss Kitchen.


The children in Turtle class follow the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum for all subjects and the Wakefield Agreed Syllabus for RE.


Our PE afternoons are Tuesday and Thursdays. Remember to come to school already in your school PE uniform.
Our PE afternoons are Tuesday and Thursdays. Remember to come to school already in your school PE uniform.
Our book changing book day is Friday and we will also visit the school library on a Friday. Please make sure you children bring their reading books and book bags each day.
Our book changing book day is Friday and we will also visit the school library on a Friday. Please make sure you children bring their reading books and book bags each day.


What are we learning at the moment?

Here is the curriculum overview for Autumn 2. This will let you know what we will be covering this term...







Don't forget to see our school twitter feed for weekly updates of the Super Learning in the Penguin Class.