Jellyfish  Longevity breakthrough of the century”: Jellyfish collagen investigated for  cognition 



 Year 1             

The teacher in Jellyfish class is Mrs Clarke.

Mrs Brown is our Teaching Assistant.

We are also supported by Mrs Hogg, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Cable and Mrs Fitzpatrick.

The children in Jellyfish class follow the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum for all subjects and the Wakefield Agreed Syllabus for RE.

Our PE days are on a Monday and Friday.
We will change reading books and visit the school library on a Friday.

Free Vector | A children are reading books on a stack of books

Our Learning Theme for Spring 1 is...

Bright Lights, Big City

All about London: Where to stay, where to eat, what to do | Vogue India

What are we learning at the moment?

Here is the curriculum overview for Spring 1. This will let you know what we will be covering during this half term...


To see what we will be learning please read the document below.

Please find below our Weekly Learning Overview -  Please use this to help support your child's learning further at home :) 

Please find below our Bright Lights, Big City home learning activities. You can complete these tasks in any way you like, using art work, photographs, writing etc.

If you have any questions please just ask Mrs Steinmann-Burnell

Coming soon - See our learning environment in Jellyfish...